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交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教的英文

"交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教"怎么读


  • jiao
  • "交"英文翻译    hand over; give up; deliver
  • "郊"英文翻译    suburbs; outskirts
  • "娇"英文翻译    tender; lovely; charming squ ...
  • "浇"英文翻译    pour liquid on; sprinkle wat ...
  • "骄"英文翻译    proud; arrogant; conceited
  • "焦"英文翻译    burnt; scorched; charred
  • "蕉"英文翻译    any of several broadleaf pla ...
  • "角"英文翻译    role; part; character
  • "脚"英文翻译    role; part; character
  • "较"英文翻译    compare
  • "教"英文翻译    teach; instruct
  • "娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥" 英文翻译 :    jiao
  • "蕉" 英文翻译 :    蕉名词(某些有像芭蕉那样的大叶子的植物) any of several broadleaf plants 美人蕉 canna; 香蕉 banana
  • "郊" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(城市周围的地区) suburbs; outskirts 荒郊 desolate place outside a town; wilderness; 京郊 the suburbs of beijing; 西郊 the western suburbs; 远郊 the outer suburbs; the remoter outskirts of a city2.(姓氏) a surname 郊奉 jiao feng
  • "较" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(比较) compare 较一较劲儿 have a trial of strength2.[书面语] (计较) dispute 锱铢必较 quibble over every penny; dispute over every trifleⅡ副词(比较) comparatively; relatively; fairly; quite; rather 较差 relatively poor; 较好 fairly [quite] good; 较少 less; 较坏 worse; 有较大的进步 have made considerable progress; 会议规模较大, 参加人数较多。 the size of the conference was larger and there were more participants in it.Ⅲ介词(用来比较性状和程度) 今天人民的生活较过去强多了。 today the life of the people is getting better than before. 他较以前胖多了。 he's much fatter than he used to be.Ⅳ形容词[书面语] (明显) clear; obvious; marked 彰明较著 very obvious; very clearly shown; 二者较然不同。 there is a marked difference between the two
  • "骄" 英文翻译 :    形容词1.(骄傲) proud; arrogant; conceited 胜不骄, 败不馁 not be dizzy with success, nor discouraged by failure2.[书面语] (猛烈) strong; fierce 骄阳 blazing sun
  • "娇" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(女子、小孩、花朵等柔嫩、美丽可爱) tender; lovely; charming2.(娇气) squeamish; finicky 她才走几里地就叫苦, 未免太娇了。 she started grumbling after walking only a few li. she's really too soft.3.(虚弱) fragile; frail; delicate 这孩子身体太娇。 the child's health is fragile.Ⅱ动词(过度爱护) spoil; pamper 娇生惯养 pampered since childhood; 别把你的小女儿娇坏了! don't pamper your little daughter
  • "浇" 英文翻译 :    浇名词(姓氏) a surname 浇或 ao yu
  • "焦" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(物体受热失去水分, 呈现黄黑色并发硬、发脆) burnt; scorched; charred 饼烤焦了。 the pancake is burnt. 树被烧焦了。 the trees are charred.2.(着急) worried; anxious 心焦 worriedⅡ名词1.(焦炭) coke 炼焦 coking; 天然焦 mineral coke2.(姓氏) a surname 焦裕禄 jiao yulu
  • "教" 英文翻译 :    教动词(把知识或技能传给人) teach; instruct 互教互学 teach and learn from each other; 教学生植物学 instruct students in botany; 你这学期教什么课? what are you teaching this term? 她教我们做实验。 she taught us how to conduct experiments. 他在那所大学教世界语。 he teaches esperanto at that university.
  • "交" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(把事物转移给有关方面) hand over; give up; deliver 交党费 pay party membership dues; 交公粮 deliver tax grain to the state; 交还 give back ; return; 交活 turn over a finished item [product]; 交枪不杀! give up your arms and live! 他被交到警察手里。 he was delivered into the hand of the police. 他们以实物交税。 they paid their taxes in kind. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位, 把政权交给他。 yuan shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.2.(到某一时辰或季节) reach (a certain hour or season); set in; come 交冬以后 when winter has set in; 今年交春早。 spring set in early this year.明天就交夏至了。 tomorrow will be the summer solstice.3.(时间、地区相连接) (of places or periods of time) meet; join 春夏之交 when spring is changing into summer; 井冈山位于四县之交。 the jinggang mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet.4.(交叉) cross; intersect: ab和cd两线相交于e点。line ab intersects line cd at e. 圆周内两直径必相交。 any two diameters of a circle intersect each other.5.(结交) associate with 交朋友 make friends6.(性交) have sexual intercourse7.(交配) mate; breed 杂交 crossbreedⅡ形容词(互相) mutual; reciprocal; each other 交换 exchangeⅢ副词(一齐; 同时) together; simultaneously 风雨交加 wind and rain coming at one and the same time; 内外交困 be beset with difficulties at home and abroadⅣ名词1.(交往;交谊) acquaintance; friendship; relationship 点头之交 nodding [bowing] acquaintance; 多年之交 a friendship of many years; 建交 establish diplomatic relations; 绝交 sever relations; break off relations; 一面之交 a passing [casual] acquaintance2.[书面语] (朋友) friend 故交 old friend; 知交 bosom [intimate] friend3.(交易) business transaction; deal; bargain 成交 strike a bargain; conclude a transaction; clinch a deal4.(跟头) fall 跌了一交 have a fall; 他脚一滑, 摔了一大交。 he slipped and fell heavily
  • "脚" 英文翻译 :    脚名词1.(人或动物的腿的下端, 接触地面的部分) foot; [儿语] footsie; footsy 赤脚 barefoot; 那女孩一发脾气就跺脚。 that girl stamps her foot when she is in a passion. 他的脚麻木了。 his foot has gone to sleep.2.(东西的最下部) base; foot 墙脚 the foot of a wall; 山脚 the foot of a hill3.[方言] (残渣) dregs; residue 茶脚 leftover tea and tea leaves4.[方言] (腿) leg 桌脚 legs of a table
  • "角" 英文翻译 :    角Ⅰ名词1.(牛、羊、 鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西) horn 鹿角 antler; 牛角 ox horn2.(古时军中吹的乐器) bugle; horn 号角 bugle3.(形状像角的东西) sth. in the shape of a horn 非洲之角 the horn of africa; 皂角 chinese honey locust4.(岬角) cape; promontory; headland 好望角 the cape of good hope5.(物体两个边沿相接的地方) corner 墙角 corner (of a wall); 眼角 corner of the eye6.[数学] (从一点引出的两条直线所形成的, 或从一条直线上展开的两个平面或从一点上展开的多个平面所形成的空间) angle 多面角 polyhedral angle; 内[外] 角 interior [exterior] angle; 锐[钝] 角 acute [obtuse] angle7.(饺子) dumpling8.(二十八宿之一) jiao, one of the lunar mansionsⅡ量词1.(中国货币的辅助单位) jiao, a fractional unit of money in china (=1/10 of a yuan or 10 fen)2.(四分之一) quarter 一角饼 a quarter of a pancake
  • "交-交" 英文翻译 :    ac-ac
  • "柏油,焦" 英文翻译 :    tar
交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教的英文翻译,交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教,交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教的英文意思,交 郊 嬌 澆 驕 焦 蕉 角 腳 叫 較 教的英文交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教 meaning in English交 郊 嬌 澆 驕 焦 蕉 角 腳 叫 較 教的英文交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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